Education in Uttarakhand is provided by a large number of public and private institutions.Uttarakhand had a long tradition of learning and culture
Literacy rate of the Uttarakhand 79.63% with 88.33% literacy for males and 70.70% literacy for females. The language of instruction in the schools is either English or Hindi.
There are mainly Government and Private Schools & Institutions including Primary Schools, High Schools, Inter college, Degree College and Technical Institutions, universities. The main school affiliations are CBSE, CISCE or the State Government syllabus defined by the Department of Education of the Government of Uttarakhand.
Uttarakhand has been the centre of education from the ancient time. It hosts some of the most reputed educational institutions of National and International glory.Some of the best educational institutes of India are located in Uttarakhand. Dehradun, Nainital and Mussoorie are still the preferred choices when it comes to school education. These 3 cities are the home of various ancient and heritage schools in the country some of which have been running since British period.